Thursday, December 1, 2011

Life begins at 30!

A Lady is 30. So what?

You are not using a walking stick are you? And you have not lost half of your teeth due to old age.  The reality is you are not 18, 20 or 25 anymore, but the truth is that you are measured by who you are on the inside.  I’m not with the ‘age is just a number’ school of thought, but I believe that age is the number of years you have spent on earth and what seems to matter is what you have done with those years.

30 is the age to reminisce and chart a new course in one’s life. Though I believe one should do this every New Year, and even more at the end of each decade in one’s life.

Babes, you are neither hopeless nor helpless at 30.  That you are not married at 30 does not make you an unfulfilled woman.  It doesn’t make you a failure and it shouldn’t put you in a state of fright or frenzy.  You shouldn’t forsake everything and begin to chase or look for a husband. I think you should seek God first - if you have not been-.  I know the search for ‘Mr’ is a top priority but should not be your topmost priority.  There are things that are more important in life than settling down.  Life itself is a journey and how we live it matters a lot. Remember we are not on this earth for and by ourselves. Each individual has a call to serve. 

At 30, quit the early morning and the late night worries. And the cries of how lonely you are and how seriously you need to be married or at least hooked.  Worry less babes.  We don’t want you to have wrinkles on your face much less a high blood pressure, before Mr Man shows up.

At 30, quit struggling.
Your continuous involvement in the aluta would only get you trapped and entangled the more. I don’t think struggling is the order of these 30’ish days.

Also, when I say quit struggling at 30, I also mean quit the ‘hustle’.  I mean one should quit giving ‘IT’ anyhow. In short, stop giving ‘IT’ at all.   With the ‘straffy’ approach to things, you might not get the man –that you need-, you might be so unlucky that you could get only a ‘Penis’.  Think; are you searching for a husband or a sleeping partner?  Well, unless you want to do with what you get-from the hustle.

Throw self deceit, manipulation and desperation out the door. I think you are now too mature for these. To continue in any of these only gets you deeper into trouble and could keep you more single. If they didn’t work for you when you were 20something, then it won’t when you are 30.

At 30, don’t fret.

Hence, you need some calmness at 30. You need inner peace. So you can think straight and meet your target soon enough- without any side disaster. Quit chasing after men at 30. There’s a more mature way to these things.

And if you’ve been a ‘good’ girl and you are 30, well, this is not the time for any form of regrets or rebellion. You should be careful about your idea of questioning God and reminding him of how much you tried to do his will and yet single. He knows.  

Now is the time to be humble and ask God for mercy. Do not resolve to bitterness or resentment. It is not smart to entertain the thought that you’ve been missing in action for nothing. That, seriously explains where you stand spiritually and if you genuinely loved God.

Babes, do not brood extensively on past relationships that failed. Or moan about who should’ve been your husband, who you shouldn’t have broken up with but should’ve married.  If you’ve done it a couple of times, it’s about time you dropped it. Worry adds nothing to your life. Worry won’t bring back those times.   Do not be mindful of the past. You need to forge forward.

Please, at least let your life continue at 30. Don’t put it on a halt.

At 30, I believe you should pursue fulfilment like you’ve never done before.  Seek life fulfilment, self discovery and purpose. I believe you should see the delay like you have more time to prepare for marriage. And that you have more time to make corrections.

This is a key scripture you should always meditate on. As you do, you will get more insight and revelation by the power of the spirit.

...Your heavenly father already knows all your needs, and he will give you all you need from day to day if you live for him and make the kingdom of God your primary concern- Mat 6:32-33

God is your source. He is your source of everything. You should see him and relate with him this way.

The Lord is your shepherd; you have everything you need.
He lets you rest in green meadows; he leads you beside peaceful streams–Psalm23:1

He’ll not just guide you but he’ll guide you to where and what is best for you.

And I strongly believe that God wants you to have the best; His best.

For everyone who asks, receives. Everyone who seeks, finds. And the door is opened to everyone who knocks.  You parents –if your children ask for a loaf of bread, do you give them a stone instead? Or if they ask for a fish, do you give then a snake? Of course not! If you sinful people know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your heavenly Father give good gifts to those who ask him- Mat7: 8-11

At 30, if you are not in a place where you call God ‘Dear Father...’ without guilt or reservations, now is the time to make a move to not just be a human but a true child of God.  Christ is the only true access to this kind of relationship with God. The bible says:

I am the way, the truth and the life. No one come to the father except through me. John14:6

He is the way to a joyful life
He is the truth... all you are about and that life is about
He is the God life...

If indeed, you want to invite Jesus in to your life. Please pray this prayer:

“Dear heavenly Father, I come to you in the name of Jesus. 
Your word says “he that comes to me I will by no chance cast out”.
So I know you won’t cast me out. 
You said in your word that “anyone who calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved” (Acts 2:31).
I ask that you save and deliver me now.
I confess my sins to you right now. 
I accept and confess Christ Jesus as my Lord and Savior. 
Henceforth it is not my life I live anymore but yours-the life of Christ, the God life”.