Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Club Ruth

Do like our new page ‘Club Ruth’ on face book. 

Club Ruth is a platform for young females which promotes good values and gives support to them in as many ways we can.

Let’s converge here, there’s a lot to share

Welcome to Girlvolution.

Girlvolution is about change; i.e. causing change in the life of the average young female who has accepted the false ideas her environment has constantly presented to her. This is about helping her build a right mindset and a positive attitude towards life.

Girlvolution is about presenting the truth to young females, guiding them right and providing information that will help them make the right choices which will help them live a more fulfilling life.

On this edition, we write on ‘Contentment’. 

Contentment  is a vital pre-requisite to being happy. 



…Shout that people are like the grass that dies away. Their beauty fades as quickly as the beauty of flowers in a field. The grass withers, and the flowers fade beneath the breath of the Lord.  And so it is with people. The grass withers, and the flowers fade, but the word of our God stands forever.
Isaiah 40: 6- 8

Beauty will fade, clothes will wear (and tear sef), and styles will change.  Change is constant.  Even times change. People do change too.

My dear, no condition is permanent.

Contentment- HAPPY BEING YOU

It has become a common saying that a lady’s character is more cherished than external beauty. This is true. But it isn’t only beauty that girls seek. Money, power, and fame have become a quest that peer pressure seems to have been able to have a strong hold on us quite easily. The media doesn’t help matters at all. Celebrities give a make believe life of how life is glamorous and full of luxury and all so much so that the goal in life has become to attain to materialistic wealth without much emphasis on character. Why is there so much desire to reach a certain level of fame and glamour even if we have to sacrifice our peace and joy?  The fashion world isn’t helping matters. Ladies around the world spend millions or thousands, or even hundreds to look a certain way dictated by so called fashion icons. We think that to be recognized, we have to be like “THEM GIRLS’. But ask yourself, are you really happy within?

Hold on! Let me introduce you to someone...

Most importantly, I will like to appreciate the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of God. He is my best friend, my comforter, my counselor, my number one boyfriend and husband (Is 54: 5), my number one teacher (John 15:26)

He is the Jesus in me and without him I can’t do much. My human efforts would have only failed me.  He has been with me all through and since...  

He has taught me many things. He taught me to behave, covered my shame, taught me to talk,  to love, to keep calm and taught me contentment. He is still teaching me.  I like to introduce him to you, but before you can have him in your life, you need to give your life to Christ.

To give your life to Christ, Please say this prayer with us:

“Dear heavenly Father, I come to you in the name of Jesus. 
Your word says “he that comes to me I will by no chance cast out”.
So I know you won’t cast me out. 
You said in your word that “anyone who calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved” (Acts 2:31).
I ask that you save and deliver me now.
I confess my sins to you right now. 
I accept and confess Christ Jesus as my Lord and Savior. 
Henceforth it is not my life I live anymore but yours-the life of Christ, the God life”.

Please join a word based church. Get as many Christian literature so you get more knowledge of the word and let the Holy Spirit teach and lead you.

Keep the Holy Spirit close. Do not grieve him. Do not blaspheme against him (Matthew 12:31). Be humble and pay attention to him. Pay attention to all he says and his instructions. Let him help you and you will excel (Isaiah 1:19).

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Naked and not ashamed

Afraid and Hesitant

Some of us women are apprehensive about who we spend the rest of our lives with.  We are very much aware that the oath of marriage says till death do us part, it should last a lifetime- ordinarily.  We really don’t mind –unconsciously- waiting to get the best pick, but is there really a best pick?
Most part of this lifetime we are already spending as single women.  Time is far spent- no kids yet, no partner, no family of our own.

What drives us really?

Is it the fear of making a mistake in marriage or the fact that we really want to be happy for the rest of our lives-with our husband and father of our children?

We can’t be too careful nor can we be perfect in making our choice.

This (choosing a life partner) is not like baking a cake where you can choose a perfect flavor or color of your choice to make it come out perfect.

Choosing a life partner is more of a task than choosing a career.  It’s a LIFE partner matter we talk about here.  And if almost half of that life is spent as a single woman seeking the perfect man, woman, you had better join the convent.

Sometimes when a woman consciously or unconsciously seeks the perfect man she’s not exactly looking for Mr bling.  She’s looking for the man who won’t disappoint her; the man who won’t treat her like her daddy treated her mummy, who won’t leave her and her kids like her daddy abandoned her and her siblings, who won’t hit her, who won’t allow his family treat her like crap.  She’s not looking for Mr. Perfect but a man who would understand, patient, cooperative; a man who would ‘stay.

She knows probably that mummy wasn’t perfect but mummy stayed.  So will he stay or will he betray her?   This is why you can’t exactly impress her with your ‘material’. 

Her emotional/relationship curriculum vitae say her thought pattern is right since she has experiences right from her primary family to her secondary days.

But her natural eyes cannot exactly see who or what is perfect because of her fear.

Her fear makes her skeptical of every guy that comes her way.  She’s not trusting and too afraid to give them a good chance.

It’s not her- It’s a function of ‘her men and her mind’. They have produced her mentality. 

Naked but not ashamed

Nakedness: sincerity, openness, innocence, freeness…

Now the man and his wife were both naked, but they felt no shame
Genesis 2:25

You’ve probably left your heart in the hands of your ex or some one you really loved.  Now you’ve covered up yourself so that other people who are interested in you can’t see through you.

What I speak about is more like a covering from within, a barricade, a thought that projects as an aura or wall on your outside.

It’s not intentional or conscious as you may not be aware, but the body has been conditioned by your mind and the emotional part of you to be like this.

Dear, you need a sincere and free heart to move on. You need to trust again. Trust God.

Someone who really likes you and wants to get close to you don’t want you covered up, they want you ‘naked’- open and sincere.

The covering won’t let them see who you really are. It won’t let them see the kind and sweet lady you are and you are wondering why the bad girls are getting the good guys? Come on! When you’ve covered up your good sef nko?

You have to unclothe to bathe.

You have to let yourself be known 

You have to be naked and unashamed.

Freshen up- bathe, perfume dress in your nicest clothes and go…