Tuesday, March 12, 2013

The Bleak Past

Do not fear anything except the LORD almighty. He alone is the Holy one. If you fear him, you need fear nothing else. He will keep you safe…Isaiah8:13-14 (NLT)
"Face your fear to phase out the fear."
Bishop Abioye

Face and deal with your giant past in order to embrace, enjoy and collect your present which is a gift.

A past of disappointments, shame and regrets could affect your relationships, well being, marriage, or continue to determine your marital status as long as it affects your mental state.

A bleak past is like a giant that every now and then shouts down your defenses.  It makes you want to hide and cry.  A bleak past can continue to challenge your existence.

How do you deal with your past especially if it haunts you or follows you around like a shadow?

You deal with the past by facing it.  You need to tackle it head on so as to overcome it.

I was exposed to too much jealousy, backbiting, fighting, and quarreling while growing up.  And this is because I grew up in a polygamous family and had a fierce extended family on my father’s side.  The happy times I remember are less than the trouble times I remember. There were too many internal fights and intrusions from extended family.  I experienced too many disappointments than I could bear.

All these made me first, a very defensive girl and have a dislike for a particular tribe.  Even though I never said it, I had sworn to myself that I would not marry from that tribe and I had already schemed in my head of what I would do to avoid experiencing polygamy myself.

I hated polygamy with a passion and swore that my children would never smell it and that no man will ever treat me the way I saw my mother being treated.  But the remedy is not just swearing to myself but it is to face and deal with this bleak past that consistently hurt and hunt me.

I had to deal with the wrong notions I’ve had about men, marriage and men from that particular tribe. I had to deal with the fear of getting married and being disappointed.
It’s being a long spiritual and psychological journey but I am thankful to God that I am a better woman.  And one more thing I am always thankful about is that I didn’t get married soon enough.  I know it would have been extra rough and I would probably have been out.  The word and the spirit of God have done a thorough job on me.

Well, that’s my story. May be yours is different but whatever it is that you experienced in the past, understand it’s over.  You are not that timid victim child anymore.   So let it be over in your mind.
Lock yourself up today and recall your past.

Face it!  Stop romancing it and letting it control your present.

Thank God for you are still here. Your past should not define you or control you.  You can have a better life, better than your earlier years.

Detach from it and start a new life.

Talk to it -you can.

Make peace with yourself.

Forgive who you need to forgive.  Dear, Forgive 77 times.

You should know better if you are a Christian and if you are not a Christian and you are still blaming and cursing. Have you been perfect yourself?

Some people carry these things into old age, even into the grave. You don’t need to.  Deal with it now.

The father loves and that’s why he came down as Jesus to reach out to you.  Jesus offers better. Embrace his love, mercy and finished work of the cross.

If indeed, you want to invite Jesus in to your life. Please pray this prayer:

“Dear heavenly Father, I come to you in the name of Jesus. 
Your word says “he that comes to me I will by no chance cast out”.
So I know you won’t cast me out. 
You said in your word that “anyone who calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved” (Acts 2:31).
I ask that you save and deliver me now.
I confess my sins to you right now. 
I accept and confess Christ Jesus as my Lord and Savior. 
Henceforth it is not my life I live anymore but yours-the life of Christ, the God life”.

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