Friday, August 31, 2012

Her Men, Her Mind- Her MENtality II

Some of us women don’t know how to relate with men.  They don’t even know what to do with men. They don’t know how to communicate or live with them. So they just relate with them based on their past experiences.

They bank on the relationships they’ve had or how they’ve seen others relate with men and sometimes these people they emulate had sour relationships with the men in their lives. 

 These experiences could be what they’ve had with some man in their childhood (e. g a father), the (man) experience of someone close to them (e. g their mother) or what they’ve heard or learnt from society while growing up. And this reflects unconsciously in their behavior. 

Here are some unconscious ‘He’ views some of us women have about men and possible corrections:

You are not his mother
He probably doesn’t like to see you as that especially if he still has one. Also it is a minus for you because things could become unromantic since you have taken a motherly role. Remember guys don’t find their mothers attractive (in that way), but they do love, respect and honor them. Why don’t you just take the role of his woman (and ‘his wife’ when you are married) and enjoy the ride, that’s a handful already.
He is not your boy.   He can take care of himself- he is a man. Don’t spoil him.  Yes, we are helpmates (as females) but ‘help’ is relative.  Also remember that you are not a slave. The role is help, wife, partner, friend, mother to both your children, confidant… 

He is not your girlfriend
Save all the irrelevances and girlish shenanigans for your girlfriends. There’s a limit to which a man can take. If your idiosyncrasies are becoming too much he might begin to want to hang less around you. He might think he’ll lose himself or identity if he’s becoming too involved in your girly stuff and he begins to withdraw. Some men can’t just take it one bit. Understand the place of your man in your life and how to relate with him. Please don’t get me wrong. Be yourself but don’t expect him to be a ‘woman’ for you. 

He is not your toy
No man in his conscious self wants to be.
He is not your manipulative tool. He does not like to be used. If he is being used, babes, he won’t be pleased when he discovers. 

He is not a deity
Do not worship him. Some ladies are so scared of losing their man that they worship him. They are so afraid of him. They can’t be themselves around this man. They just want to keep him and not lose him. This doesn’t sound like a relationship. It sounds like a shrine where you are the devotee and he is the god. That’s dangerous.

He is not perfect
No matter how good you feel he is to you, he is not perfect by himself. If you are so demanding and unappreciative, he might feel he is not up to the task and leave.  He would believe he can’t please you so he heads out to look for someone who would appreciate and love him for he is and what he can give.

He is your man
Accept it.

He wants to be respected.

To be understood, accepted, loved and supported.


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