‘Life’ has been given many definitions and theories. They say ‘Life is hard’, life is this and life is that.
Who can really define life as it is if not the giver of it? As regards life you should be in control of yours. You should not be totally unaware of happenings in it. Major events and phases should not be strange to you. After all it’s yours.
Nobody is really entitled to give you a complete direction or roadmap of how your life should go. Does he/she have permission...? What is the source or who is the source? No man should play God in your life.
Girlfriend, to live ‘your life’ that the almighty giver of life has laid down for you should be your ultimate goal. You should live no one’s unfulfilled dreams or pet project...especially if it’s not consistent with God’s thoughts for your life.
Live your life to the fullest where ‘His’ is ‘yours’...It’s a good life. It’s the best life you could ever live. Seek your maker – the giver of life. Find him in the depth of his ‘word’. Then you’ll see. You’ll find direction, fulfilment, enrichment.
I promise!
Don’t be a victim in life. Don’t be disadvantaged. Stop accepting less. Don’t stay down. Don’t deny yourself of the abundant life that God has made available to us in Christ Jesus. You really don’t need to miss out. What is it that you seem to be enjoying outside it? It’s not as good as a life mapped out by The Lord God
Burst the devil’s bubble today! Step up to the best life you could ever live.
That is, ‘the life of God in you’.

Thank you for reading. Next week!
