Monday, September 5, 2011

For a start, you don’t need more. What you need is good management of whatever it is that you’ve got in your hand; that is what you have now. Whatever it is: be it an ability or skill, or a resource -like finance, connection, relationship- .

When you manage well, you’ll reproduce good.

Remember the parable of talents (in Matthew 25: 14-30) where the master credited the men who had done business with their talents and rebuked the one who had buried his.That is, those who recognize and put to work what they have will eventually get a breakthrough and increase.While those who are too careful, withdrawn, or sceptical about doing ‘businesses’ with their treasures will lose what they seem to be protecting.

“To those who use well what they are given, even more will be given, and they will have abundance. But from those who are unfaithful, even what little they have will be taken away” (Matthew 25: 29)

“Be sure to stay busy and plant a variety of crops, for you never know which will grow-perhaps they all will.”(Eccl 11:6)

“He cuts off every branch that doesn’t produce fruit, and he prunes the branches that do bear fruit so they will produce even more.”(John15: 2)

The folding of hands is not allowed but the use of whatever it is that has been placed in your hands and your custody is mandatory-to your master creator and for your own well being.

Also, do not forget to notice the master commended more, the man who was more productive.

The master acknowledges productivity.

We are productive beings.In the beginning the creator admonished us to:

“Multiply, fill the earth, and subdue it” (Gen 1: 28a)
To be productive is natural to us.Our being as humans repels stagnancy, unfruitfulness and lack of direction.And this is why we need to connect with the creative and creator:

‘To discover purpose, to connect with that productive ability and;
To know: ‘what to produce’, ‘how to produce’ and ‘for whom to produce’.

Sounds like economics huh? It’s called ‘Heaven economics’. Lol

Ever heard the saying ‘Stagnant water stinks’. I say ‘a flowing river is refreshing’.

Please do not be deceived by tarrying till everything is alright for you to ‘do’ what you’ve got to do. Will it ever be?It’s like waiting for the chicken to grow teeth.Even ‘wisest and richest’ king Solomon wrote:

“If you wait for perfect conditions, you will never get anything done” (Ecclesiastes 11:4).

Practical Tips
Ø Recognise what it is with you
Ø Start
Ø Just start anyway
Ø Appreciate your work
God stopped to appreciate all he had created at every time.He saw that it was good and he said “it was good”.

Ø Criticise to enhance productivity and not to cause death. If you don’t believe or see the good in your work or output, nobody will.

I leave you with one of my favourite quotes:

“When they say ’start small’, it means start really small. Think big though.
Start with what you have. Do with what you have. Use and concentrate on the time and resources you need and not that you want.
Don’t bother about everything but concentrate on what matters.
At least fire...then you’ll aim after.”

(Winkz). Go get ‘em babes. And if you are not a ‘babe’ but have just read this, there is no cause for alarm. It’s a message that can be applied by both sexes. Lol! Next week!

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