Monday, February 13, 2012

Valuable tips for getting your man the appropriate valentine gift

"The proof of love is giving
Your love is measured by giving
Give for the right reasons
You can give without loving but you can’t love without giving
Sacrifice is the true measure of love"

I quickly jotted down these words when I was listening to the sermon of a famous preacher on TV. These words exactly reflect what I would like to communicate with us women on this blog today.

This is not just about valentine alone, it’s about 'the relationship'.  

If you truly love your man, you would give. Men appreciate it when their woman once in a while, takes the initiative to surprise them. Real men recognize and respect women who make sacrifices.  We shouldn’t wait till valentine to give, we should give when necessary.  Most men are not really keen on collecting gifts but the gift you give to a man-especially If it meets a need- will be seen as remarkable and might not easily be forgotten.  We all understand that it is the nature and duty of the man to be the key provider of his family (while the woman supports) but it is not bad if a woman gives back to her man.  Our giving as women does not erase this truth.

Nature of a perfect masculine valentine gift

First, we need to realize that Men are not like women. Your man is not one of your girlfriends- he is your man. Your man does not think the way you (a woman) do- he is a man. Men are logical beings.  They are practical in nature, whereas we women are emotional beings. So you need to put on your thinking cap when you are getting your man his gift. Your gift to your man has to make sense.  It is better if you got your man what’s needed and that he would definitely have to use not only because you gave him but because it is also useful.

An appropriate valentine gift for your man should be handy and of GOOD QUALITY.


I don’t think it is the best to buy your guy cozy things like a teddy bear, bunch of flowers (do straight guys like accepting flowers?), cake and likes. Let’s get him a gift that communicate some seriousness and maturity.

The Gift *Ideas*

Toys/Gadgets: Most men love toys and gadgets. They just love to acquire them. I believe it has something to do with childhood (Lol). Some will not blink before they spend a whooping amount on getting a latest gadget they believe will be of use to them while others will religiously save up to acquire.  So, if you can afford it and your man is the ‘gadget loving type’- get him the one he doesn’t have yet or the latest version. 

Shirts: Make sure you visit an authentic shirt shop to get him a good quality designer shirt. It would be worth it because if it is of good quality he would definitely wear it. It is hard for a man to resist a good looking shirt except if he is totally not a shirt loving (or wearing) person. Make sure you find out his size before buying. It’s pointless buying an oversized and undersized shirt. 

Blazer: A blazer will be a winner because of its flexibility. A blazer can be worn to different occasions and in different styles. If you want that blazer to last in his wardrobe, buy a well tailored one. 

Leather: Anything leather will do. Original leather o. An example is a real leather wallet.

Shoes: Buy original correct shoes. You know we ladies are very particular about a man’s shoes. You know how when a guy approaches you and you check him out stylishly from head to ‘toe’. That ‘toe look' matters a lot. It determines whether the conversation will last long. The state of a man’s shoes communicates a lot. Men themselves are always particular about the quality of the shoe they wear. Now you have an idea of what kind of shoe to buy.

Suit: If you must do a suit, do a well tailored suit. Enter one of those classy men’s boutiques to get him an irresistible suit especially if the nature of his job requires he wears one.

Wine Glasses: This is not bad. Fine wine glasses that he could make use of whenever his friends stop by to say hello. Buy cute wine glasses that would make users ask him where he got it and he’ll say-“you, his baby, got it for him”. *How cute* (lol)

 Cuff Links: Get cute and classy cufflinks.

Cushions: Beautiful cushions for his apartment. Make his apartment lively by replacing his cushions with nice, lovelier ones or buying him some if he does not have them at all. Seek the advice of the shop attendant regarding colour and texture when making your purchase.

Clipper and things: Get him another one –probably a more sophisticated one. And if your man does not have one of his own, *oya rush* go get him one. A clipper is a very essential commodity for a guy to have.

Bed Sheet and Pillow cases: I love this one. Visit an interior décor shop to get a unique and beautiful bed sheet and pillow cases. Make sure they are so beautiful and cozy.

Fine leather bag: You know how men don’t like to carry extra luggage. It is most likely that he does not have a bag to carry stuff when he needs to make a quick trip out of town. Travel bag, overnight bag, laptop bag, week end bag-just to bag his things when he needs to make that quick trip. Then he’ll take the bag and remember you gave him.

A Book (or books): You know what your man needs. You know that area he needs to improve on. So get him a book that would add to him. A book that would make him a better man and he would still be thanking you years later for getting him that book. So hit the book store. Please buy hard cover (if your book has a hard cover version)

Add ons

Aside from the original gift you’ll get him, you can accompany Val gifts with any of the following-if you want:

Men’s briefs- Boxer shorts to be precise. I heard the freer, the healthier. You want to have babies huh… so buy him boxers. I don’t think they are as sexy as those tight ones but me sef I chose babies over sexy (lol). *E jo o* Buy a couple of cool colors.

Computer screen cleaner: Yeah, for his much loved computer. He’ll find it handy.

Vehicle document file: You know, to keep his file on his way to those important business meetings. He’ll kind of believe that you care about his work. Good thinking.

Shaving Kit: If your guy does his shaving himself then buy him a shaving kit. Buy a good shaving powder, brush and razor.

Ironing board/Presser: If he doesn’t have one already, get him one. You know why he’ll use it? It is portable. So he might get rid of that ironing table that takes space.

Handkerchief: A pack of cute and soft handkerchiefs.  You know guys don’t really do tissue, so get him a few packs so he can pick one for each day. I would say you buy something unique and sophisticated and not those common white ones. You know, buy something he’ll be proud to bring out in public.

Socks: Good quality cotton socks. Get more than one. Or you could get like a dozen of different colors. No pink. Nah! Unless you want some guy to steal your man from you. *ka'mari*

Do visit for more ideas.

I know as a woman, you wouldn’t have a problem with buying something of nice quality which is also budget friendly.

Thanks for reading.

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