Friday, February 10, 2012

Valuable tips for getting your woman an appropriate valentine gift

Welcome my brothers to our humble abode - the She-Helpz crib. Don’t gape around too much cos you might see what you don’t like (lol). So just read this piece and then leave a gentleman. (lol) Ok - just playing.

Here are a few tips for getting your woman a valentine gift. You really don’t have to spend a fortune if you don’t have it (*rolling eyes*). You can get something affordable and yet achieve results.

Note: She might  not really know the history of valentine but your girl seriously cares about Val- no matter how much she says or act like ‘ it doesn’t matter’.  So St Valentine or not- Valentine is lover’s day and she expects you to show her love in that period. 

What about you? You might ask. Well, if your girl wants to be smart she will definitely get you a gift but Val seems to matter a lot to us (women) cos of the way we see these things. You know just like the way we see our birthdays.

Don’t get her what you like but get her what she likes. It’s a gift. So, please the receiver even though you are the one buying.  Val gifts speak a language. There is a gesture behind every gift. Hence, the kind of gift you give says something.

She thinks the kind of gift you give her communicates a lot about how you feel about her and how you see her.  So quality, message and gesture matters a lot here.

Nature of an appropriate feminine valentine gift

A perfect valentine gift for your woman should be feminine, romantic, and soft.

Feminine colors are bright red, baby pink, sky blue, violet, pure white, and garnet.

Feminine textures are silk, suede, fleece and pearls.

Its message (your Val gift) should be thoughtful, ‘a not easily forgetten’ and should scream “I care!”

Your gift should show love, affection, and even some sexiness.


A gift like a microwave or new set of cooking pots is not a valentine gift. It says a lot more about the giver’s tummy than that you care about her. I know you’ll say it is because she likes cooking but a gift like that will be an investment to ‘una’ kitchen and not to your woman’s emotional bank account.  She might not tell you that the gift does not do it for her but she’ll never count it as a gift in her mind. This kind of gift does not apply to even a married man. Please, kitchen utensils are out.

A ‘lingerie ti o badht’ is your gift and not hers. You are buying it because you’ll like what you see and it will always excite you. Yes she will feel good in it but its more for your own pleasure than hers. Not that this kind of gift is totally out but if you really want to please your woman give her a gift that spells out that it’s all for her. For example if you are just about to ask a girl out and you give her this kind of gift, she might think you only want access to her vault. *You wan thief and run* It could only work if that’s what you both want.

Serious gifts like a skirt suit could mean you don’t see her like a companion but just a friend. It could mean you have no feelings for her and that you only respect her. This could work if she specifically says she needs or wants a gift like that.


 Add ons

Aside from the original gift you’ll get her, you can accompany Val gifts with any of the following:

Chocolates: Heard they contain some sort of things that trigger some female hormone. A gift of chocolate actually denotes affection.

Cake: I mean soft, sumptuous and delicious cake (hmmm), you know, the type you eat with a small fork.  And not the type that you would have to dig in your fingers (when e no be eba *lol*)


Flowers: They always communicate ‘affection’ and are always a winner. If your woman appreciates flowers you can add them.

The Gift *Ideas*

Jewelry: Just put it round her neck or wrist and you’ll be her ‘ultimate man’.  Do shiny, light and classy- *Posh!* 

A lovely dress: Try black.  It’s one of a woman’s wardrobe must have.  Do a prim and attractive black dress.

Perfume: Please do a feminine one with a lovely fragrance. The one that smells… ‘Love, you and me forever…’

A Book: An original copy of an interesting and life changing book is not bad at all. It could be a book that would help her improve or give her more light on an issue. Please buy hard cover (if there is one for your choice of book) and wrap neatly in a gift box.

Give her a treat:  probably at a spa. Let her (or both of you) get a body massage and other essential body treatments like her facials etc.  Going to the cinema seem kind of stale and have become too popular.  Everyone would be there during that period. Why not watch the movie at your place after the spa treatment *winkz* (Erm…ma wink is for the married man.)

Accessory: Lovely designer bag, original leather shoes, wristwatch, beta earrings…. The accessory list is endless. You can get her any of these.

An outing: Dinner at a nice restaurant.  Or better still cook dinner, and set up a table in your apartment. The idea is for you to pamper her. So you do all the work: cook the food, decorate the area, serve the food, do the talking and pampering, wash the plates… at least for that evening.

A trip: A private get away, ‘just the two of you’, for the weekend. Go to somewhere calm and exquisite.

A gift that meets a need: Probably there has been something she has been telling you she needs and she is trying to get for herself. Or maybe you’ve promised but have not yet gotten it for her; you could eventually surprise her with it as a gift. I’m sure she’ll be glad.

Or better still:

Give her a ‘some’ teen’ carat gold engagement ring: Haba! He never reach for you to marry her? Please make this lady’s New Year by asking her to be your wife. If she soothes you, you‘re fond of her and you’ve thought about it, why delay?  Why don’t you make a decision today? *holding it up for my sisters. You can’t just leave this blog without me preaching the gospel of marriage* Bi ko nu-marry her.

All I’ve listed above does not require that you spend a fortune.  It all boils down to being smart about it.  You could get a lady to help you with getting any of the gifts above. The nature of these gifts is such that it is flexible and works with an average budget.

I know you are very grateful- please don't mention. Just send my own cake (the soft, sumptuous and delicious one). 

Mwah! (for the single guys) *Smilz....batting eyelids like barbie doll*

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